This is my portfolio website

About Me

I' m Aman Jain. I am a third-year B.Tech student with a focus on Computer Science and MERN stack development (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). Proficient in creating efficient web applications, my passion and practical experience make me a valuable asset for collaborative projects in the dynamic field of web development.


  • School

    12th: National Victor Public School (93.5%)

    10th: Delhi International School (90.6%)

  • College
    B.tech (GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management)
    1st year : 8.0 SGPA




Admin Dashboard

An admin dashboard project built with React.js offers a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for managing and controlling various aspects of an application or system.With React's declarative syntax, designing the admin dashboard becomes intuitive and straightforward, allowing developers to focus on functionality rather than worrying about the underlying DOM manipulation. React Router can be integrated into the admin dashboard project to facilitate navigation between different pages and sections, ensuring a seamless flow within the application. The admin dashboard project can leverage React's state management solutions such as Redux or React Context to efficiently manage and share data across components, enabling real-time updates and synchronization.

StackoverFlow Clone

The StackOverflowClone project is an innovative endeavor aimed at replicating the essence and functionality of the widely popular platform, Stack Overflow. Inspired by the success of Stack Overflow in fostering collaborative knowledge-sharing within the programming and technology community, the StackOverflowClone project seeks to create a similar environment for developers to seek assistance, share insights, and engage in discussions related to various programming topics.This project involves the development of a Q&A platform that mirrors the fundamental features of Stack Overflow, such as user authentication, question and answer posting, upvoting and downvoting, tagging, and a reputation system.


Scrapsicle, an innovative MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack project that is poised to revolutionize the freelancing landscape with a unique twist – creating products from waste. Scrapsicle is not just another freelancing website; it's a purpose-driven platform designed to connect freelancers with a passion for sustainability to clients seeking to transform waste materials into valuable, eco-friendly products. Our platform provides a meeting ground for individuals and businesses looking to contribute to a greener future while supporting the freelance community. As a freelancer on Scrapsicle, you have the opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity in repurposing materials, crafting sustainable designs, and contributing to a circular economy. Clients, on the other hand, can find talented professionals ready to bring their waste-to-product visions to life.


An E-commerce Website project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript involves creating an online store where users can browse and purchase products. The project typically includes multiple pages, such as a homepage, product page, individual product pages and shopping cart. HTML is used to structure the content and layout of the pages, CSS is used to style the pages with attractive and consistent visual design, and JavaScript is used to add interactivity and dynamic functionality to the site. Overall, this project provides an excellent opportunity for web developers to gain hands-on experience in web designing


The Signup Page project involves creating a web page using HTML and CSS that allows users to register for a website or application. The page typically includes a form with input fields for the user's name, email address, password, and any other relevant information. The page may also include buttons to submit the form. Styling with CSS is used to make the page visually appealing, with a layout that is easy to use and navigate. Overall, the project is an important skill for web developers, as it provides hands-on experience in designing and creating a key component of a website or application.


A Portfolio Website is a website designed to showcase an individual's work, skills, and achievements. It typically includes a homepage, an "About Me" section, projects and a resume. The website is designed to highlight the individual's unique skills and talents, and to provide potential clients or employers with a clear sense of what they can expect from working with that person or company. HTML is used to structure the content and layout of the pages, CSS is used to style the pages with an attractive and consistent visual design, and JavaScript may be used to add interactive elements or animations to the site

Consulting website

A Consulting Website is a website designed to promote and market consulting services to potential clients. The website typically includes a homepage, an "About Us" section. The website is designed to establish credibility and trust with potential clients, and to showcase the expertise and skills of the consulting team. HTML is used to structure the content and layout of the pages, CSS is used to style the pages with an attractive and consistent visual design, and JavaScript may be used to add interactive elements or animations to the site.

Temperature Converter

The Temperature Converter Project is a simple but useful project designed to convert temperature values between different scales, such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The project typically includes a webpage with input fields for the temperature value. When the user enters a temperature value the webpage calculates and displays the converted temperature value. HTML is used to structure the content and layout of the webpage, CSS is used to style the page with an attractive and user-friendly design, and JavaScript is used to add the temperature conversion functionality to the site.


The Calculator Project is a classic web development project designed to create a simple but functional calculator that performs basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The project typically involves creating a webpage with a display screen, input buttons for the numbers and operations, and a result button to display the calculated result. HTML is used to structure the content and layout of the webpage, CSS is used to style and JavaScript is used to add the mathematical calculations and interactivity to the site.

To Do App

Welcome to our simple todo website built with React.js! With our intuitive and user-friendly interface, managing your tasks and staying organized has never been easier. Whether you're juggling multiple projects, planning your daily routine, or simply keeping track of important deadlines, our todo website is here to simplify your life. Powered by React.js, a powerful and efficient JavaScript library for building user interfaces, our website offers a seamless and responsive experience across different devices. React.js allows us to create interactive and dynamic components, making task management a breeze.




June 2023 - July 2023

● Build a responsive website with Razorpay payment gateway.
● Reduce Bugs by 70%
● Skills used : React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and APIs

Bharat Intern

June 2023 - July 2023